
Feasibility, design and planning

Feasibility studies are often crucial for gaining funding and investment to launch your wheeled sports facility project. We provide feasibility, design and planning documents tailored to your project requirements.

Pump tracks

We don’t just build pump tracks, we construct modern progressive facilities that bring value to all riders with an aim of building and engaging the local community.

Our designs keep every level of rider in mind, from children on balance bikes to seasoned professionals.

Aggregates or asphalt? Or both.  Bikescape can construct your local pump track using materials in line with your budget. Our BIKESCAPEBLEND asphalt (created specifically for weathering climates) is used on all our asphalt applications.


Community trail networks are increasing in popularity, allowing more and more people to access the trails from the front door – the dream! If you know of a community space and have been wondering if it can be transformed into a compact community trail network, get in touch.  Our team look forward to assessing your local area and can assist with the next steps.

Bike parks

Looking for the next A-Line or Joyride? Drops, jumps or wall rides? – The Bikescape team have the construction and riding expertise to make it possible.

Our team ride and race all over the globe, giving us the experience and exposure to some of the worlds leading bike parks.

We love assessing potential areas and often surprise clients with what can be constructed.  Get in touch using our contacts page for more.

Maintenance and Development

Do you know an existing facility falling into disrepair?

Facilities falling into disrepair can become dangerous for users. Bikescape can assess your facility, drawing attention to the high risk/high priority areas that are in need of attention.  Our results are used to create a development plan for each facility, so stakeholders can understand, plan and arrange resources if necessary.

We see many facilities not achieving their potential here in the UK. If you feel like your local trails/pump track/bike park are true to this?  Get in touch to start developing plans including works, signage and marketing.

We are also happy to assist in organising volunteer or staff days, providing a trail or track specialist to lead local teams.

Project Management

Bikescape offer professional management and support services for clients involved in mountain bike or BMX project . We can offer services at any project stage from consultation to post-construction and our professional PRINCE2 accredited project managers will ensure your project is delivered to the highest standard.